Bren parts
 New/ Future Product Announcements   Started by Bryan Smith   2023-10-24 10:05:41 -05:00   Comments: 1    Viewed: 1023

  1. Bryan Smith
    Bryan Smith Administrator Staff Member
    We have our Bren semi-auto parts available again for purchase.  At the moment, we have the trigger, sear, disconnector, and strikers available.  We are sourcing the striker spring, striker drive rod, and striker spring tubing right now to offer in the next couple of weeks.  We will also be offering a build sheet for download soon that will help you modify your Bren kit parts for our setup.

    We also had a customer ask if this is the MightyLime setup found on the forums.  It is not the mightylime system.  This is a design that we helped Wise Lite Arms get functional in 2008 and was BATFE approved the same year.  If you have already modified your parts for the mightylime design, our parts might not work.  

    If you have more questions, please send us a message or start a new thread to discuss it publically. 

    Bryan Smith, 2023-10-24 10:05:41 -05:00
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