SMGGunsStore respects consumer privacy and works to safeguard your personal information, while complying with all United States Federal and State laws and regulations. We are dedicated to providing you with the superior customer experience that you know and expect from SMGGunsStore. We view your privacy as an important component of your customer experience and ensure that your personal information is handled in a safe and responsible manner.
SMGGunsStore protects your privacy. We share only that data required in the ordinary course of business, including information necessary for validation of credit transactions, verification of identity, shipping and billing addresses, tracking orders and visitors, obtainment of payment, marketing and merchandising efforts, improvement of your consumer experience, and other data as described in this Policy.
If you only browse our site, there is no need for you to provide any personal information. However, if you choose to purchase an item from us or provide us with your personal information through email, forums, reviews, or other means, you consent to the transfer and storage of your personal information. This information allows us to provide you with a consumer experience that is tailored to your needs.
We may request or retain the following for our database:
- Your Name
- Bill-To and Ship-To Information
- Contact Information, including Email Address and Telephone Number
- Order Information
- Information Specific to Individual Customers
- Export Compliance and Domestic Compliance Certifications
- End Use, End User, Country of Ultimate Destination Information
- Any Information Required by the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Department of Commerce for Export Licensing
- Identifications or Employers, as needed to verify law enforcement, military or professional status
- Internet Protocol Address
SMGGunsStore maintains a private customer database for its own company use and marketing efforts. If you do not wish to receive our newsletters, you may request deletion of your address via the removal instructions available in the newsletter.
By doing business with SMGGunsStore, you give consent to the implementation of the policies set forth herein. By denying access to any required personal information for the completion or verification of a transaction, participation in email, forums, reviews, or other information required to communicate with SMGGunsStore, you surrender the ability to transact with SMGGunsStore
SMGGunsStore does not sell or share your personal information with other non-affiliated companies or persons. However, under the following circumstances, and as permitted by law, we may be required to share your personal information:
- SMGGunsStore provides information as needed to respond to any subpoenas, court orders, legal process, enforceable governmental requests, legal claims or to comply with any applicable laws or regulations. SMGGunsStore reserves the right to share your personal information to exercise any legal rights or to defend against any legal claims.
- SMGGunsStore shares information as may be required to further law enforcement investigations, to prevent illegal activity and to assist in taking action against illegal activity. Additionally, SMGGunsStore shares information, as permitted by law, to preserve the reputation and integrity of SMGGunsStore, to prevent any harm to rights or property of our customers or SMGGunsStore and to address any issues arising out of or related to fraud.
- If SMGGunsStore is acquired by or merges with any other company or entity, your personal information may be transferred to any parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates or successors.
- SMGGunsStore may share information to address security, technical or customer service issues or enforce any policies or terms and conditions of our websites or transactions.
- SMGGunsStore may provide your information to our trusted service providers who work under confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements or assist with our business operations. Such companies may support our effective and innovative marketing techniques or aid in services necessary for fulfillment or completion of orders.
- SMGGunsStore may share information as needed for the processing, tracking and fulfillment of any orders, as well as to collect fees and resolve any payment issues.
- SMGGunsStore may use personal information to provide you with important marketing or promotional notices and to improve our marketing efforts or website design.
- SMGGunsStore shares information with other third parties when necessary to improve your consumer experience. Please note that personal information includes any information that can be used to identify a specific person, not anonymous information about a user.
Please note that personal information includes any information that can be used to identify a specific person, not anonymous information about a user.
SMGGunsStore utilizes a "payment gateway" provided by Electronic Transfer, Inc. This is for all intents and purposes, a tunnel that you input your credit card data into and only our credit card processor has this information. Although our site is SSL encryption protected, your financial security is much to important for us to store. While this proves slower than having "stored payment methods" on our site, it provides the most security for you and your identity.
SMGGunsStore ensures the safe transmission of your personal information during the ordering process. We make certain that our ordering process is up-to-date, secure and capable of protecting your personal information.
When you visit SMGGunsStore, we may receive information about your visit automatically through data collection tools and methodologies used in the ordinary course of business. These tools enhance the quality of our service and provide you with a user-friendly experience.
We may provide links to Sites or Services outside of the SMGGunsStore site for your reference or use. SMGGunsStore may not have any affiliation with these sites or services and you should review the privacy policies associated with these sites or services. SMGGunsStore is not responsible for the privacy policies of external sites.
SMGGunsStore reserves the right to change this privacy policy as needed. Please check back with us for any updates.
Please refer to our main page, and hover over "Information" for more information on our Customer Service Policies and Procedures.