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All parts are machined from US made steel and heat treated just like the original. These will allow your DP-28 or DPM to feed from PKM belts without any modification to your rifle! Simply snap on our belt feeder, replace your flash cone with our booster, and start using belts!
Option 1:
Items included in the "Belt feeder only kit" for the $2550.00 price:
1) belt feeder device
2) booster cone made to look like original flash hider
3) One 100round PKM belt with starter tab
Option 2:
Items included in the "Belt feeder kit & heavy barrel kit" option for $3300.00
1) belt feeder device
2) One 100round PKM belt with starter tab
3) RP46 heavy barrel kit with everything in photo above: barrel, gas selector, new piston rod with proper tip for heavy barrel & tip for standard
DPM/DP-28 barrels.
4) items will ship in separate boxes.
Watch our videos here:
Installation, Removal, and load/unload proceedures
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