Semi-Auto trigger parts/mods
 Main Discussions   Started by John Sbandi   2022-06-24 06:55:01 -05:00   Comments: 3    Viewed: 669

  1. John  Sbandi
    John Sbandi Member
    Do you have an estimated time frame when you will be offering semi-auto trigger parts and mods again? Thanks!
    John Sbandi, 2022-06-24 06:55:01 -05:00
  2. Bryan Smith
    Bryan Smith Administrator Staff Member
    We do not have a date yet. We will announce it via the newsletter once we know.
    Bryan Smith, 2022-06-24 16:19:46 -05:00
  3. Any update? 
    Nickolas Warren, 2023-04-08 10:11:46 -05:00
  4. (You must log in or sign up to post here)

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